Application for the 2025 intake (program start: October 2025) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2025....
This year, the Erasmus Mundus programme has its 20th anniversary. To mark this important landmark in the lifetime of the programme, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Cu...
We are thrilled and proud that three maps created by our MSc Cartography students and alumni made it into the final selection of maps in Volume VII of ‘The Atlas of Design’. Milana Glebova...
DIGITALE WELTEN 2024, a congress for geoinformatics and geodesy, took place on 27 February 2024 in the city hall of Dresden. Every year, this event offers a platform for face-to-face meetings with rep...
The 13th intake of our Cartography students has finished the first semester at TU Munich. It is now time to move a new university and start the second semester at TU Vienna. The semester in Munich pas...
Application for the 2024 intake (program start: October 2024) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2024....
On 15 December 2023, 19 graduates celebrated their graduation. This year the ceremony was held at TU Dresden. These students began their studies at TU Munich in the winter semester of 2021, spent furt...
We were delighted to see that five of our former MSc Cartography students, Lin Che (intake 2020, now at ETH Zürich), Zulfa ‘Afifah (intake 2022, now at University of Augsburg), Yiwei Wang (inta...
Today, we have the privilege of celebrating a remarkable milestone of the MSc Cartography: the graduation of the 200th student from the programme. Congratulations to Julia Schiller from the 11th intak...
In the summer semester of 2023, Cartography M.Sc. students designed and developed digital cartographic projects within the LBS course at TU Vienna. We are happy to share with you the gallery of the be...
On June 28, the students of the Cartography Master programme visited the UN office in Vienna (UNOV). The chief of the UN-SPIDER Programme at UNOOSA in Vienna, Lóránt Czárán, gave the students an e...
Application for the 2023 intake (program start: October 2023) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2023....
On Friday, the 2nd of December, the Research Unit of Cartography at the Vienna University of Technology hosted the Cartography M.Sc. graduation ceremony. This year, 24 students successfully graduated ...
On the Day of Prayer and Repentance – a public holiday which is held in Saxony only – a small group of seven students withstood the cold fall weather and hiked along the Eastern Ore mounta...
Choosing what to do during the summer break is a challenge and a big decision for every student in the Cartography Master. While a break is more than needed and deserved, three months of holidays soun...
The 30th International Cartographic Conference took place in December 2021 in Florence, Italy. For the first time, the conference was organized in a hybrid format. Despite the pandemic circumstances...
Our Cartography MSc students Darya Lappo and Tang Gongmingyue conducted interviews for the ‘Girls & Women Talking Tech’ series. The interview with Lara Prades from the UN World Food Pr...
Application for the 2021 intake (program start: October 2021) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2021....
Each year, the Student Council for Aerospace and Geodesy at the Technical University of Munich awards the lecturers with the best teaching evaluations. We are very proud to announce that a lecture of ...
Despite the challenges brought about by the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers of the annual Geomundus Conference were able to push through and successfully mount the event last 27-28 Novemb...
Alpine Cartography Field School, Hiking in the Saxon Switzerland NP, Mapping with cartographer Dr. Rolf Böhm The winter semester 2020/2021 at TU Dresden is off to a very good start, despite the curre...
All of us have seen maps in museums and exhibition areas, which try to explain and show various dynamic processes and their geographical aspects. Some of them are traditional static maps, some of them...
Our sincere congratulations to Daphné Tapia from our 8th intake on the award “Best Nokia France Student” that she has received for her outstanding work at the Alcatel Submarine Networks! ...
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the universities closed their classrooms and labs for a while. But despite this time of uncertainty, we carry on and we have started a new exciting semester in a differen...
The 9th intake of our Cartography students has finished the first semester at TU Munich. It is now time to discover a new city and start the second semester at TU Vienna. The semester in Munich went v...
Application for the 2020 intake (program start: October 2020) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2020....
The 9th Intake of Cartography M.Sc. has started their first semester at TU Munich. Congratulations to all of you with the start of this exciting journey in cartography! Altogether 25 students from 18 ...
From October 10-12, 2019, the 1st Cartography M.Sc. Alumni Meeting with more than 90 participants took place. The event was hosted by TU Munich. The alumni of all former intakes, fresh graduates, cu...
Armand Kapaj, an alumnus of Cartography M.Sc., presented our students and alumni at the Erasmus Mundus Association’s 12th General Assembly 2019 in Vienna, Austria this year. The Erasmus Mundus A...
Application for the 2019 intake (program start: October 2019) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2019....
We are very proud to announce that the Senate of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest awarded the title of professor et doctor honoris causa to Georg Gartner on November 9, 2018 at the celebration ...
Application for the 2018 intake (program start: October 2018) is now open! The deadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications is March 15, 2018....
On the 10th and 11th of November the 9th GeoMundus Conference took place at the Institute of Geoinformatics (IFGI) of the University of Münster, Germany. Organized by students of the Erasmus Mundus M...
We are happy to inform you that our international Master of Science programme in Cartography was successful again and has been selected for Erasmus+ by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive...
This summer term, TUW awarded the „Best Teaching Awards“ for the first time to acknowledge teaching staff for outstanding commitment in university teaching. Students and members of TUW nominat...
My journey as an Erasmus Mundus student started in May 2016 when I received the confirmation for being selected as a student of the International Master Programme CARTO E+ JMD Cartography. I have to a...
We are excited to announce the relaunch of our website. We hope that the new website is easier to read and navigate on a wide range of devices – from desktop and tablet to mobile phones. We also...
After four successful years, the Cartography M.Sc. has been selected for Erasmus+ by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union. One section of the Erasmus+ programm...