The University of Twente (UT), is a leading Dutch university which links technology and society, and operates as a federation of independent faculties, which includes the faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). At ITC, knowledge of geo-information management is readily available and is continually being developed and extended. By means of education, research and project services, ITC contributes to capacity building in developing countries and emerging economies. Strong attention is paid to the development and application of GI systems. ITC offers a wide selection of courses in the field of GI science and earth observation at Diploma, MSc and PhD level. ITC also offers distance education and fosters joint educational partnerships with educational organizations in developing countries. Within the Cartography M.Sc. programme, ITC offers distance education within two online modules in the first and third semester and is responsible for the organization of the 4th semester.
The main people involved in the master programme are: