The 9th intake of our Cartography students has finished the first semester at TU Munich. It is now time to discover a new city and start the second semester at TU Vienna.
The semester in Munich went very fast and students and staff members have been very emotional at the farewell session but also already excited about what is coming and what will happen in the next semester in Vienna.
During the welcoming week, students designed and presented their very first map, a mental map of TUM campus within the mapping challenge. We did this challenge again in the closing session and the students shared their current mental map.
In addition, we asked the students how they feel about the first semester, and which professional and personal skills they have developed the most. Students felt very challenged and appreciated the high support. Skills as data visualization and map design would definitely serve as a solid basis in becoming a Cartographer. Time management and teamwork are essential skills not only for successfully finishing the Cartography studies, but also for the future career. Students have been very proud on what they have learned and achieved! Well done!
The new semester at TU Vienna awaits with exciting lectures and new interesting projects! We wish everyone a fun and successful semester!