All posts of admin

Christmas Party 2016

To jump in in the Christmas mood, Cartography students organized a party with traditional food from their countries and prepared short presentations about the Christmas rituals. But the culminating po...
Screenshot: Atlas of Switzerland

Guest lecture on the Atlas of Switzerland

How to design modern atlas visualizations? What layouts, icons and colour schemes are used in innovative multimedia cartography? Our guest lecture, Dr. René Sieber from ETH Zürich answered those que...

OSM Mapping Day

Within the OSMGEOWEEK, teachers, students, community groups and map lovers around the world, join together to celebrate geography and make maps with OpenStreetMap, the free and openly editable map of ...
Alpine Field School 2015

Alpine Cartography Field School 2016

25 students of the TUD Master programmes “Cartography” and “Geoinformation Technologies” originating from eleven countries can look back on nine days in an alpine, partly high-alpine terrain. ...
Expectations of the new intake on a map

Welcoming the 6th intake

We are proud and happy to welcome students from all over the world in the new intake of our Cartography M.Sc. programme. This year Munich became home for 6 months for 20 students from 16 countries. We...

Master’s thesis presentation of Ethan Oleson

On September 14, Ethan Oleson, student of the 3rd intake, presented his Master thesis about “Generation of a high-quality physiographic map as a base for nature conservation and land planning...
Prof. Gartner with a group of students participating in the orienteering event, giving some hints.

Orienteering Event in Vienna

On June 1st, students of the International Master in Cartography were invited to join researchers of the cartography group for an orienteering run event in Vienna’s “Prater” area. Or...

Guest lecture and workshop about Visual Analytics

On 30–31 January 2016, Cartography MSc. students took part in a guest lecture and a special workshop concentrated on Visual Analytics of spatio-temporal data. The meeting was conducted by Dr.-Ing. G...

Ethan Oleson spending research time in Tanzania

Our student Ethan Oleson visited Tanzania during his research for the Master’s thesis with the topic “Generation of a high-quality physiographic map as a base for nature conservation and l...

Alpine Cartography Field School 2015

The Alpine Field School 2015 had been successfully accomplished by our international students. The nine days of intensive training were part of the module Georelief and Cartography – Morphogenetic a...
5th intake

Welcome to the 5th intake

We are proud welcoming 22 new Cartography students from 14 different countries from all over the world. The 5th intake is the first cohort co-funded under Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree. A scholar...

Excursion to ESRI Germany Headquarter in Kranzberg

Cartography students visited the head quarter of ESRI Germany in Kranzberg near Munich. During the visit, they created online maps with the use of Collector for ArcGIS App, such as online map of stude...

Alpine Cartography Field School 2014

The 3rd intake of the Cartography M.Sc. Master Programme went to the Alps within the Alpine Cartography Field School 2014. The nine days of intensive training were part of the module Georelief and Car...

Alpine Cartography Field School 2013

The Alpine Cartography School 2013 was one of the highlights of the Master Program, where students could experience mountain terrain and gain new knowledge about the morphological features and changin...

Students participating at ICC 2013 in Dresden

The 26th International Cartographic Conference took place in Dresden from 25th until 30th of August 2013. Cartography M.Sc. students of the 1st intake had the chance to present their Master’s th...

Alpine Cartography Field School 2012

The students of the 1st intake participated in the Alpine Cartography Field School. It was the first time to be in high mountains for most of the students, but the teamwork and solid geographic knowle...

Welcoming our first intake

We are happy to welcome 14 students from 10 different countries to study within our Cartography M.Sc. They are the pioneers for this new programme. During the first week of studies, students and staff...