Excursion to Strasbourg, Munich, Zugspitze and Salzburg

GIS and remote sensing technologies have become a substantial topic within modern cartography. Besides that, processing and visualization of 3D data mark another field within the subject with increasing importance and potential. To cope with those trends, a 6 day excursion to Strasbourg, Munich and Salzburg is offered at the Institute of Cartography of TU Dresden. The students are introduced to different fields of work to support their theoretical knowledge with practical applications by getting to know state-of-the-art methods and techniques.

The content and sequence are best described in the following summary (day 1 and 6 are transfer days from/to Dresden):

Day 2: Guided tour SERTIT

The mapping company SERTIT near Strasbourg offers a rapid mapping service which provides up-to-date maps for emergency and crisis intervention. Those maps are generated only 6 hours after satellite image acquisition and often represent a fist decision making instrument after a disaster struck.   


Day 3: Guided tour DLR

Different departments of the DLR are visited – among others the Center for Satellite-based Crisis Intervention, the Earth Observation Center and the German Space Operations Center.


Day 4: Guided tour Environmental Research Station SCHNEEFERNERHAUS at Zugspitze

An overview of altitude, environmental and climate research carried out in the research center is given with one focus point on data visualization.

Excursion to Zugspitze



During the guided tour through the world’s largest ice cave the students are being introduced to the different terrestrial laser scanning expeditions performed by the Institute of Cartography of TU Dresden there.