Otto Neurath (1882‒1945) was an Austrian philosopher and political economist, also known for developing Isotype – a method for showing statistical data in pictorial form. Main principle of the...
25 students of the TUD Master programmes “Cartography” and “Geoinformation Technologies” originating from eleven countries can look back on nine days in an alpine, partly high-alpine terrain. ...
GIS and remote sensing technologies have become a substantial topic within modern cartography. Besides that, processing and visualization of 3D data mark another field within the subject with increasi...
The Alpine Field School 2015 had been successfully accomplished by our international students. The nine days of intensive training were part of the module Georelief and Cartography – Morphogenetic a...
Cartography students visited the head quarter of ESRI Germany in Kranzberg near Munich. During the visit, they created online maps with the use of Collector for ArcGIS App, such as online map of stude...
The 3rd intake of the Cartography M.Sc. Master Programme went to the Alps within the Alpine Cartography Field School 2014. The nine days of intensive training were part of the module Georelief and Car...
The Alpine Cartography School 2013 was one of the highlights of the Master Program, where students could experience mountain terrain and gain new knowledge about the morphological features and changin...
The students of the 1st intake participated in the Alpine Cartography Field School. It was the first time to be in high mountains for most of the students, but the teamwork and solid geographic knowle...