On the 9th of October the 7th intake started the Cartography Master programme. This year, a whole welcoming week was organized and we think it was the first highlight of their studies for the new group of students. We are happy to have 24 students from 20 different countries studying with us.
The welcoming week was a great success and the new students enjoyed the presence of all partners, current students of the previous intakes and alumni a lot. All partners introduced their universities and role within the programme and keynotes were given on the topics on “Why it is a smart decision to study Cartography” or “Mapping our dynamic world”.
Every day was quite action-packed to prepare the students for their two years of Cartography studies. Students attended an intercultural training workshop, had a library tour, learned how to code an interactive map and participated in a mapping challenge. Additionally, the EMA representative from our programme introduced the association. The social events every evening were perfect to get to know each other in a more familiar environment. We visited the TUM MakerSpace and discussed about the personal expectations and motivation not only during the Icebreaker or our dinner at a Bavarian brewery.
We wish all students a great and successful time in Munich, Vienna, Dresden and Enschede!
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