What is cartography? Is it about maps? Is it science, art or technology? The truth is that cartography is all that and even more, cartography is not only about making maps but also about using them. Cartography is about map users. This was why we, four students of cartography, asked people to share their thoughts, ideas, etc about the meaning of cartography. In this video, we represent people’s ideas about Cartography. We have collected information through questionnaire via google form and analyzed the data. Data analyzing part inlcudes keyword selection and sorting. Then we used the keywords to make word clouds in Adobe After Effects. The word clouds made with letters of Cartography in two different language (English & Spanish) on world map. We are grateful to the participants of this survey.
Students: Estefania Ruiz Martinez, Sadhman Sadik, Md Imtiaz Uddin, and Julius Nyonyo
The map was created within the class Multimedia-Cartography and Geocommunication at TU Wien in summer semester 2020.