Nirmal “Nims” Purja, from Nepal, completed the challenge of summitting world’s 14 tallest mountains in less than seven months, breaking the previous record of almost eight years.
PROJECT POSSIBLE is a story map of Nirmal who climbed fourteen top mountains of the world in just six months and six days in 2019. This map shows his accomplishments and obstacles during his journey. I believe that this project will help the user to know about a person who made a history in Mountaineering. He acquired many world records during this project. The range of the user is broad, it can be anyone who loves Mountains and its history.
It is a monochromatic map with the use of black, grey and white colors. This map is a small tribute to Nirmal’s contribution to mountaineering field from my country, Nepal.
Student: Shlesha Acharya
Have a look at all the interesting details in the larger version in jpg format (3.4mb).
The map was created within the class Project Map Creation at TU Wien in summer semester 2020.