This printed map was created to honor the late Alexander Kenan’s magnificent climb of all the mountains over 10,000 feet in the Cascade Mountain Range during his hike of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Kenan remains the only known person to complete this feat on foot, adding over 350 miles to the 2,650-mile long PCT, and the goal was to create a beautiful trail map detailing the adventure.
Data from Kenan’s blog was collected and matched with trail data from Open Street Map and GPS data from his hike in order to determine his likely approach trails. The basemap was created using a 225 m resolution DEM from the United States Geological Survey, which was processed into both traditional and multidirectional hillshades and layered on top of imagery. The layers were styled using an excellent tutorial on Imhoff-style cartography by ESRI’s John Nelson as a guide. Finally, details including sketches from images Kenan took along the trip, an inset map, and notes from his blog were added.
The final print size of this map is 841 x 491 mm and was made within the class Project Map Creation at TU Wien.
Have a look at all the interesting details in the larger version in jpg format (4.4mb).
Student: Lydia Youngblood