The Cartography M.Sc. partner universities are proud to announce that Cartography M.Sc. alumni Shayan Nikoohemat from the 1st intake finished his PhD research and defended his dissertation successfull...
During the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017 which took place in Wuhan, China, Cartography M.Sc. alumni Shayan Nikoohemat (1st intake) received the “Best youth oral paper award” as well as the ov...
On 21 August 2014, Jan Behrens, student from the International Master in Cartography (2011 intake), successfully completed his master studies by presenting his thesis on the topic of „Testing th...
On 20 March 2014, Wangshu Wang, student from the International Master in Cartography (2011 intake), successfully completed her master studies by presenting her master thesis on the topic of „Modeli...
Within the Dresden semester, students contributed to a lasersccanning project at the Eisriesenwelt ice cave near Salzburg. Austrian TV reported about the project. The segment includes interviews with ...
The 26th International Cartographic Conference took place in Dresden from 25th until 30th of August 2013. Cartography M.Sc. students of the 1st intake had the chance to present their Master’s th...
The students of the 1st intake participated in the Alpine Cartography Field School. It was the first time to be in high mountains for most of the students, but the teamwork and solid geographic knowle...
Our student Jeff Welter of the International Master Program in Cartography designed and produced a plaster relief of the Großglockner during this semester. We think it is wonderful and we congratulat...
We are happy to welcome 14 students from 10 different countries to study within our Cartography M.Sc. They are the pioneers for this new programme. During the first week of studies, students and staff...