Our alumna Susanna Abraham has been selected as 2018 Esri Development Center Student of the Year. Susanna successfully finished her master thesis in our international Master of Science in Cartography in September 2017 at TU Dresden. The title of her thesis was: “Historical Spatio-temporal data in current GIS, Case Study: German-Herero war of resistance 1904”. In her thesis she applied Natural Language Processing techniques to extract spatio-temporal data from unstructured historical text documents, such as digital text archives, web documents and historical text documents. Use case for the work was a GIS study on the spatio-temporal context of the German-Herero war of resistance 1904 in Namibia. To represent the results of the data extraction ESRIs story map journal was used to create a series of maps dynamically linked together to represent the order of historical events during the Herero Uprising in 1904. The story map is created and hosted on ArcGIS online:
The results of her thesis have been summarized in a paper that is now accepted for publication in the ESRI User Conference 2018 special issue of the Transactions in GIS Journal and to be presented at the ESRI User Conference. Susanna’s thesis can be found here.
Congratulations Susanna!