The 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) took place in the city of Valencia (Spain), May 19-22, 2019. It succeeded again to gather an international audience of researchers, practitioners and stakeholders that shared their work all around crisis management.
In cooperation with the HeiGIT at the Heidelberg University, Cartography alumni Martin Hilljegerdes (6th intake) presented a paper based on the work of his master thesis which he completed in September 2018 at the University of Twente. Martin addressed the evaluation of the effects of consecutive hurricane hits on evacuation patterns in Dominica.
Martin says: “My presentation and its content were well received and interesting feedback was given for potential future work. Overall, it has been a valuable experience for me, both professionally and personally, as not only many interesting talks and presentations were given, but also social events were included in the conference, allowing to get in contact with many professionals in the field.”
More information on the conference can be found on and all publications can be accessed via the digital library of the conference .
Martins paper can be directly accessed here:
Martin Hilljegerdes, & Ellen-Wien Augustijn-Beckers. (2019). Evaluating the effects of consecutive hurricane hits on evacuation patterns in Dominica. In Z. Franco, J. J. González, & J. H. Canós (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (pp. 462–472). Valencia, Spain: Iscram.”