Farewell to the 9th intake at TU Wien

The 9th intake of the International Master Programme in Cartography has finished the “Vienna Semester” and is now heading to TU Dresden for their third semester. After a full semester of distance learning, we had the chance to meet for a farewell session end of July. It’s been a challenging semester for students as well as lecturers and it’s been great to have the chance to reflect the past 4 months face-to-face.

Guest Lectures

This summer term we had the pleasure to e-host six international guest lecturers who shared their research with our students from the International Master in Cartography:

  • Prof. Dariusz Gotlib (TU Warszawa): Selected qualities of mobile maps on the indoor navigation examples
  • Prof. Michael Peterson (University of Nebraska Omaha): Paradigms guiding Cartographic Research since the 1950s
  • Dr. Amy Griffin (RMIT Melbourne): The User is the Centre of the Universe: Designing Interactive Maps for End Users
  • Prof. Philippe de Maeyer (Ghent University): Semiology and Syntaxis in Cartography
  • Prof. Philippe de Maeyer (Ghent University): A Brief History of Cartography
  • Prof. Menno-Jan Kraak (University of Twente): Maps and Time
  • Prof. Rob Roth (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Cartographic Design and Visual Storytelling

Showcasing great student projects

Great results from this years’ classes can be viewed in the Student Work section as well as here.


A huge thank you to all students for their work and dedication in this semester. Enjoy your well-deserved summer!