The 9th intake of the International Master Programme in Cartography has finished the “Vienna Semester” and is now heading to TU Dresden for their third semester. After a full semester of distance learning, we had the chance to meet for a farewell session end of July. It’s been a challenging semester for students as well as lecturers and it’s been great to have the chance to reflect the past 4 months face-to-face.
Guest Lectures
This summer term we had the pleasure to e-host six international guest lecturers who shared their research with our students from the International Master in Cartography:
- Prof. Dariusz Gotlib (TU Warszawa): Selected qualities of mobile maps on the indoor navigation examples
- Prof. Michael Peterson (University of Nebraska Omaha): Paradigms guiding Cartographic Research since the 1950s
- Dr. Amy Griffin (RMIT Melbourne): The User is the Centre of the Universe: Designing Interactive Maps for End Users
- Prof. Philippe de Maeyer (Ghent University): Semiology and Syntaxis in Cartography
- Prof. Philippe de Maeyer (Ghent University): A Brief History of Cartography
- Prof. Menno-Jan Kraak (University of Twente): Maps and Time
- Prof. Rob Roth (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Cartographic Design and Visual Storytelling
Showcasing great student projects
Great results from this years’ classes can be viewed in the Student Work section as well as here.
A huge thank you to all students for their work and dedication in this semester. Enjoy your well-deserved summer!