I know places – A cartographic journey through Taylor Swift’s discography

This map visualizes the emotional range of Taylor Swift’s discography by transforming it into a topographic landscape. Using data extracted from Spotify’s Web API on May 27, 2024, key metrics like valence (emotional positivity), popularity, and danceability are used to place each song in the terrain. Elevation reflects the emotional tone, with happier songs represented by higher peaks and sadder songs by lower valleys. Initially, randomized coordinates were used to distribute the songs, but after refining the process, popularity and danceability became the axes for positioning. A smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was created using QGIS, allowing for contour lines and a polished landscape. The final design incorporates color schemes and layout choices to highlight the emotional peaks and valleys of Swift’s music. This method can be extended to visualize the emotional landscapes of other artists and genres.

Map legend
Map legend: Highlighting the emotional peaks and valleys of Swift’s music
Key metrics like valence (emotional positivity), popularity, and danceability are used to place each song in the terrain

Have a look at all the interesting details in the pdf (4.4mb).

The map was created as part of the course Project Map Creation at TU Wien in summer semester 2024.

Student: Madeleine Noet